Thursday, March 18, 2010

U6BC Sunday Community Training 2010- Under 13

Sunday training starts from 8.00am till 10.00am,thanks to our dedicated coach Chuan Sin.
This year U13 training starts on 21st February, average of 20-23 boys turn up.
Most of the boys were involved in last year U12 -Tanjung Mahsuri Cup tournament, where we were the champion 2009, beating Chee Wen school- ( pic Coach Chuan Sin & his players)
waiting for their turn could be frustrated...... but is still worth it...

We have boys as young as 9 years old in this group.

U6BC CNY Dinner -2010

Dinner served at 8.00pm, 8.05pm fish & chicken missing from plate!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Singapore 's Pioneer Junior College (PJC) beat us 3games to 1 (3-1) this time.

Game starts at 8.30am .....

U6BC U16 Boys Vs Pioneer Junior College U16 (S'pore)

U6-USJ 3B team(under 18 boys team)-lost by 2 points! anyway it was a very exciting game and closely fought by both teams. congratz to the s'pore PJC team...

Singapore -Pioneer Junior College (PJC) u18 boys team-champion again.

Game was delay due to bad weather, however we manage to start at 8pm.
We lost 3games to 1, congratzs to our visitors- Pioneer Junior College(PJC), S'pore.

Serious faces, the beginning of our exchange programme for 2010 basketball friendly games-U6BC vs S'pore Pioneer Junior College (PJC) Under 16 boys.

Foul start, weather was cloudy,technical meeting was call for all players involved

Exchange of souvenirs, MPSJ councillor- Mr Rajiv, U6BC -Mr Loo and PJC teacher & their Bktball coach.

One more for the album!