Sunday, May 24, 2009


Dear all,

High school basketball results was a painful one this morning-
lost by a point to seafield team (44-45). However it was a experience gain again
for our boys , got a full team turn up this beautiful morning except -Gavin.
Thanks alot for our invitation players who turn up in full forces- how han /gerald/eng wai/
and of course the capt edward.
Enclose are some photos

Before the start of the game against Seafield

Coach Zoe giving our the instructions to her players.

After game discussion

HSBL U6BC Team 09'
Standing: Julian, Justin, How Han, Gerald, Wei Han, Eng Wei, Aaron, Coach Zoe, Kah Wai
Sitting: Andy, Leonard, Edward (Captain)

Kind reminder - the next games on 30th May 2009 (Saturday) , final prelim rounds-

1.) 9.00 am vs USJ 13 team
2.) 12.00 noon vs USJ 12 B team

The 2nd game was a postpone game from 18th April 2009.

Thanks & look forward to see you guys next friday training 8pm.


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